header-echo.addr.tools - view HTTP request headers, craft HTTP response headers
$ curl -v -H 'Request-Header: foo' 'https://header-echo.addr.tools/?response-header=bar' < HTTP/2 200 < response-header: bar < GET /?response-header=bar HTTP/2.0 Host: header-echo.addr.tools User-Agent: curl/8.2.1 Accept: */* Request-Header: foo
All HTTP and HTTPS requests sent to header-echo.addr.tools (and all subdomains) are answered by echoing the request headers to the response body.
Query string parameters from the request URL are used to generate response headers.
The special query string parameter, status-code, sets the HTTP response status code. This must be an integer from 100 to 599.
View your client's standard request headers:
Generate a redirect:
Trigger a login prompt: